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Compare mannequin heads: What is a head mannequin called?

If you are searching the internet for something to display your head accessories on, you might be confused about what you are actually looking for. Is it a head mannequin? A model head? A display head? Which combination of words will get you the mannequin head results you’re looking for?

The right name for your mannequin head

The right name will depend on what you intend to use your head for. Let’s look at some of the most common options.

  • Cosmetology head: These mannequin heads have hair and are most often used by trainee hairdressers and make-up artists. The hair can be made of a range of materials, including synthetics, animal hair, or human hair. Some mannequins use a combination of these hair types. They are sometimes called cosmetology manikins or cosmetology mannequins.
  • Medical manikin heads: These are used for teaching purposes and are identified online by the slightly different way of spelling.
  • Display head: This is what we call the mannequins here at Valentino’s Displays. Our mannequins are specifically for retail use. They are fantastic for showing off any head-based accessories that you might sell. They are further categorised according to what they are made from.
  • Glass heads: These tough, durable heads are great for making an impact in your store. Our standard glass head invites closer inspection, as it gives the impression of an optical illusion. But we also have coloured glass skull heads, which are great if your store has a gothic vibe.
  • Polystyrene heads: Polystyrene is a very easy material to work with, so you will find realistic features and lots of options in this section. It is also a cheaper material, and that benefit is always passed on to the buyer.
  • Fibreglass heads: This material gives a museum-like quality to your manikin head. It is possible to get some very realistic qualities here too, but the added quality and durability means they are slightly more expensive.
  • Plastic heads: We all know where we stand with plastic. These mannequins are more cost-effective than others, but the detail is reduced. Plastic heads won’t distract from your retail items but give a great head outline.
  • Wooden heads: A very classy way to display your goods, wooden heads are less common in retail spaces, which makes them an instantly eye-catching addition to any display. They are expensive and less detailed, but they are the most durable option.

Are there any other names for head mannequins?

Despite the variety in head mannequins, you will likely find these products across the internet under many guises. They might be called a manikin head, dummy head, model head, manakin head, display head, or mannequin display head. Whichever variant you choose to put into your search bar should bring up what you are looking for. If you are more specific with the material type, as described above, you will get more accurate results.

How do you know you’ve found the best mannequin heads?

With so many options on the internet, and even in stores, it can be difficult to know whether you’ve found a bargain or a cheap mannequin head that is poorly made. There are some things you can look for that will help you with your product selection.

  • Does the retailer offer a refund guarantee? If so, they are probably confident about the quality of their product. And, if for some reason you do receive a defective mannequin head, they have systems in place to ensure you get a decent replacement or your money back.
  • Does the retailer have good reviews? There is nothing better than reviews for knowing whether or not you are likely to get a high-quality product. Bear in mind that few businesses will have 100% good reviews – it’s impossible to please everyone. But as long as there are many more good reviews than bad, you should be ok.
  • What is the retailer’s social media marketing like? Are they constantly showing off their head mannequin products and receiving positive comments on their posts? If they want you to see their products in a variety of ways, it is probably because they’re quite good!
  • Is the product fit for purpose? Of course, this is your biggest concern. Look for display heads that do exactly what you need them to do. And make sure they are made of products that best suit the surroundings they will be in. If you are unsure, is there a way to contact the business to ask questions? And if you do get in touch, is the customer service team able to help? If the answer to either question is no, keep looking!

Lusta has great head mannequin tips!

If you are still unsure about whether you’ve got the right mannequin head for you, Lusta has some helpful buying tips specifically for wig storage and hairdressing training.

What’s in a model head name?

Don’t forget that you can call your mannequin head anything you like once it arrives at your door! Giving your mannequin heads names will help you to differentiate between them and build customer personas so they can best speak to those people. This is a great marketing trick that will resonate with your most loyal customers. They will visit your store and head straight to their favourite head mannequin to see what new products they might have on display.

Building customer personas isn’t easy, and it’s quite a big task, but it can really help to encourage repeat sales and nurture that all-important relationship with the people who spend the most money in your store. Make sure your mannequin heads reflect this work.

Head for our Cosmetology mannequins for sale

All our Valentino’s Display heads have different names and personalities. This differentiation helps us to better help you when you can’t decide which ones to buy. We can match you with the right product that will work for your store.

Order a head mannequin with FREE UK delivery

We also give you great discounts, a 14-day money-back guarantee, and free postage over £100. That’s how confident we are in our products. There is nowhere better to buy your mannequins heads in the UK! You have nothing to lose should you not be satisfied with your mannequin head order.

Discuss your head mannequin enquiries with our team

Need more head mannequin information. Please get in touch – we love to hear from you.


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